Siemens’ human machine interface technology SIMATIC HMI is engineered to meet the increasingly complex processes of your machines and systems. SIMATIC HMI is optimized to meet your specific human machine interface needs using open and standardized interfaces in hardware and software, which allow efficient integration into your automation systems.

Equipped with a large number of functions and available in different performance classes, each SIMATIC Panel enables efficient machine-level operator control and monitoring of your plants.

From configuration software, to software for machine-level visualization, all the way to powerful SCADA systems, to make HMI as efficient as possible – with more flexibility, transparency and openness.
The SIMATIC panel portfolio offers the right solution for every application, from a simple keypad panel through mobile and stationary operator interfaces right up to a performant all-rounder – rugged, compact and multiple interface options. Brilliant display screens and error-free ergonomic operation with either keypad or a touch screen operator interfaces provide added value.
Key Panels

You can use the SIMATIC HMI KP8 / KP8F and KP32F key panels to quickly realize operator panels. Since they are prefabricated are ready for installation, you will save of time and money setting them up.
Comfort Panels/ Unified Comfort Panels

SIMATIC HMI Comfort Panels are designed for implementation of high-performance visualization applications on the machine-level. High performance, functionality and numerous integrated interfaces offer the greatest convenience in high-end applications.
Basic Panels/ Unified Basic Panels

Basic Panels are made for the cost effective implementation of simple visualization tasks on the machine level. Their basic features and functionality as well as the especially attractive price make them perfect entry-level devices.
Mobile Panels

Take power and safety directly in your hands. When it comes to high-end mobile applications, opt for mobile panels. These are also for fail-safe machines and widely distributed plants. The process of communication can be hardwired or connected via Wi-Fi.

All-in-one panel PCs from SIMATIC – one series, a multitude of possibilities.
Industrial Monitors and Thin Clients

The SIMATIC industrial monitors and thin clients always offer optimal solutions – reliable and highly rugged LCD monitors for wide-variety of applications.
With their product families SIMATIC WinCC (TIA Portal) and SIMATIC WinCC, SIMATIC HMI covers the whole range of Engineering and Visualization Software for the Human Machine Interface.
SIMATIC WinCC (TIA Portal), the successor of WinCC flexible can be used to configure nearly all SIMATIC operator devices. The functional scope comprises visualization tasks close to the machine as well as SCADA applications on PC-based multi-user systems.
For process visualization tasks of highest complexity and SCADA applications e.g. with redundant architectures and vertical integration up to Plant Intelligence solutions SIMATIC WinCC is the right choice.
Visualization - SIMATIC WinCC (TIA Portal)
HMI software of the new generation
WinCC (TIA Portal) is the software for all HMI applications ranging from the simplest operation solutions with Basic Panels to SCADA applications on PC-based multi-user systems.
SIMATIC WinCC ( TIA Portal) comprises Engineering Software in the variants WinCC Basic , Win CC Comfort, WinCC Advanced and WinCC Professional. WinCC Advanced and WinCC Professional are also available as Runtime Software Packages, which can be expanded by otions.
Engineering Software

Win CC (TIA Portal) is the engineering software for all HMI applications ranging from the simplest operation solutions with Basic Panels to SCADA applications on PC-based multi-user systems.
Runtime Software

Win CC (TIA Portal) Runtime software offers more transparency, whether pre-installed on SIMATIC HMI devices or as independent products with scalable functionality for PC platforms
Runtime Operations

For an expanded task range the PC-based HMI solutions with WinCC RT SW can be supplemented by means of additional
SIMATIC WinCC® is a scalable process visualization system (SCADA) that is graduated by price and performance, with efficient functions for controlling automated processes.
With SIMATIC WinCC, “perfect process visualization“ stands for complete operating and monitoring functionality under Windows for all industry segments – ranging from simple single-user systems through to distributed multi-user systems with redundant servers and the structure of a cross-site solution including Web clients.
One of the special features of WinCC is its total openness. It can be readily used in combination with standard and user programs, creating HMI solutions which precisely meet practical requirements.

WinCC is a modern system with an attractive user interface for use in the world of the office and manufacture, offering mature and reliable operation and efficient configuration.
It is scalable for simple and complex tasks. Together with the integrated process database, WinCC represents the information exchange for cross-company, vertical integration and thanks to Plant Intelligence provides much more transparency in production.